David Archuleta releases 'Movin' video


“American Idol” star David Archuleta has released the official video of his latest single “Movin’”.

From the press release:

David explains, “Movin was a song I wanted to have fun with and challenge myself by literally Movin’ with some choreography. I wanted just a touch of Latin feel even though it’s not necessarily Latin music.” With “Movin’s”- After Hours mix David says, “I asked Nate Dodge, the producer, to see what we could do to spice up Movin’s original mix. In Nate fashion, he ended up coming up with something completely different though, lol. I loved the alternate feel, but it felt like a completely different song. I fell in love with both versions, couldn’t make up my mind, and decided I’d just release both. Because they both get me movin’. “

Press play to watch the video below.

OMG! The choreography!

David Archuleta is definitely blooming ever since he came out as LGBTQ+.

Let’s go David!

Pop Culture · #David Archuleta #Video